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Don't know where to start? Let's have a chat. Some interesting topics include:
- API Management
- Project Pipeline
- Technology Roadmaps
- Cloud Adoption Status (PoC, Migraton, Cloud First)
- Evolving Current Solutions

Our Ingredients
We use the full stack of Serverless technology to devlier your projects:
- Lambda - Serverless Compute Resources billed by the GB/second
- Serverless Application Model - The AWS model for Serverless Applications
- API Gateway - Authenticate and Route Serverless API calls to Lambdas
- Step Functions - Workflow Managament
- Fargate - Run Docker containers On Demand
- Aurora Serverless - Serverless Database
Creating the Dough
We take the results of our conservations and combine them with our knowledge of the ins-and-outs of Serverless technologies to
come up with the Solution
Requirements. These set the solutions expectations and in this phase, we determine
if the project suitability for a Serverless Implementations.

Rolling the Dough
We take the requirements and begin to kneed them into an Serverless Architecture and then a Solution Design. These
documents implement the current best practices in the Serverless based on Amazons continuing recommendations as the
technologies evolve.
Making the Pizza
With a design in hand, the work of implementing the solution can begin. If you choose, you can also bring your own
solution archiecture and design to us for implementation. To deliver we use Cloud 9,
a cloud based IDE. This allows us to hand over our complete development

Baking the Pizza
We implement your solution using Agile methodologies with CI/CD
technologies such as:
- CloudFormation / Terraform - Infrastructure as Code
- CodeCommit - Hosted GIT repositories
- CodeBuild - Build and Test
- CodePipeline - Continuous Delivery
- CodeDeploy - Deploy the updated code into the environment
Delivering the Pizza
It's time to celebrate. You have your solution was developed using the latest Serverless technology and standards. Your solutions is:
- Cost Effective
- Scalable
- Fault Tolerant
- Highly Available
- Free from Server Management and patching (that's AWS's problem)

Operating the Restaurant
We can take your solution from the ideas phase, through design and implemenatation and all the way to operations
with our Serverless Managed Services.